Hello all!
We have been struck these last few months by the fruit that God is making for His Kingdom from the Muslim world! Jesus is moving powerfully, and many are turning to Him. It’s so exciting to see and be a part of.
We really believe that a big reason so much is happening is because of the fasting and praying of faithful brothers and sisters around the world, including you!
Over the next few months, we’ll be posting weekly prayer requests for the Muslim world here on this site. They’ll be publicly accessible here for if you want to share these prayer requests with your friends and family.
Along with all that, we will also be starting a monthly video-conference prayer calls for the Muslim world.
Anyone who wants to can come pray together with us in real-time about the topics we’re praying into for that month.
Stay tuned here and in your email for updates on all of that!
~10YF Team
So happy to see these things posted! Prayed through them.