No More War
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
– Mother Teresa
Musakhan is the national dish of Palestine. It is chicken roasted with onion, seasoned with a spice native to the region called sumac and served over taboon flatbread. The amount of onions you need to cut in order to make this dish will ensure the tears flow.
The people of Palestine have suffered much loss.
Over 70 years of war has resulted in many widows, orphans and broken hearts.
Fear and hate. Separation walls. Stones and rubber bullets. Rockets and airstrikes. Loss and revenge. Us versus them.
What would peace look like?
We long for the day when weapons are turned to plowshares, and war shall be no more.
Take a moment and pray for people on both sides who have lost loved ones, for their hearts to be turned towards mercy, and to find healing in Jesus.