Pray for Azerbaijan
This month we are praying for the country of Azerbaijan.
Here are some facts about Azerbaijan:
It is in Asia.
The capital city is Baku.
The population is 10,282,283.
These are the major people groups: 86% Azerbaijani (Azeri Turk); 4% Lezgian (Lezghi); 3% South Azerbaijani; 1% Armenian (Ermeni); 1% Talysh (Lenkoran).
The religion percentages are: Muslim 96%, Christian 2%, Agnostic 1%.
Th languages are: Azerbaijani, Lezgi, Armenian, Talysh, Russian.
The percentage for unreached people groups is 96.1%.
This is the flag:
Prayer point for the people groups there.
The Talysh people are predominantly Shi’a. They are more of a rural people and are regarded as religious and conservative. They are afraid of being associated with the Armenians and the Russians.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will reach them.