Pray for the LORD to Send Workers Among the Azeris – The Azeri across the world are still largely completely unreached. More workers are needed to make disciples and to start discipleship groups. However, getting access to and working among the Azeri remains challenging. Prayer: Pray for favour and strategies for the workers to get […]
Pray for the Budding Azeri Church – The Azeri Church in both Iran and Azerbaijan is still young and just starting. It faces challenge and persecution from society at large and from the government. Both Azerbaijan and Iran make it difficult and costly for the Church to grow and to witness openly. Prayer: Pray for […]
Pray for the Azerbaijani and Irani Governments – The majority of the world’s Azerbaijani (or Azeri) peoples are located in Iran and Azerbaijan. Both of these governments face large challenges as they play significant regional roles and control rich fossil-fuel reserves. Prayer: Pray for peace and reconciliation between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Pray that the ongoing […]
Pray for the Dogossé People – The Dogossé are a small people group that migrated from Ghana to south central Burkina Faso. Evariste and Eveline Palenfo and their three children settled among the Dogossé in 2020. Despite there being no other Christians or churches in this remote Muslim community, but the inhabitants welcomed the missionaries. […]
Pray for the Wala People – The Wala are found in several areas of central and western Burkina Faso. They believe that they’re direct descendants of Mohammed and so define themselves as the preachers and guardians of Islam wherever they settle. Because their cultural identity is so tied to Islam, they’re extremely resistant to hearing […]
Pray for The Fulani People of Burkina Faso – The Fulani people are Africa’s largest semi-nomadic groups. Sadly, a history of violent religious ideology combined with ethnic tensions, promises of money, power, autonomy, and purpose have caused many Fulani to become terrorists. Prayer: Lift up the Fulani People to the Lord: Pray that more Fulani […]
Pray for the Church in Burkina Faso – While economically destitute, Burkina is spiritually rich. God has moved powerfully in many people groups over the decades. Thankfully Muslims and Christians have coexisted peacefully. Prayer: Pray for the Burkinabe Church: • That believers will be proactive in love rather than reacting in payback. • For individuals, […]
Pray with us for Burkina Faso – This small landlocked country in West Africa, whose area is roughly ¼ the size of BC, is inhabited by 20 million people. The population is 11% evangelicals and 55% Muslim. It is made up of 80 ethnic groups; 27 of which are unreached (5.3 million people). Famine, drought, […]
Pray for Migrant Workers in Qatar – The largest part of the population in Qatar are the expatriate workers, most of which are manual labourers. Many come from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, or the Philippines. Unfortunately, the work conditions can include long hours, limited time off, dangerously hot work environments, or withheld wages. Despite […]
Pray for the Christians in Qatar – About 10% of the population of Qatar is Christian. That sounds like a lot, but remember that most of those living in Qatar, aren’t Qatari. With the foreign influences, the government has allowed places where Christians can gather to worship, with some small differences and monitoring by the […]