It’s the month of Ramadan

We are approximately halfway through the holiest month in Islam, called Ramadan.  During Ramadan, Muslims commemorate the revelation of the Qur’an.  They fast from all food and all drink between sunrise and sunset as a means of self-control and gratitude.  Let’s remind ourselves of what we’re asking Jesus to do.  The only way for Muslim eyes will be opened to the beauty of Jesus their saviour is for heaven to reveal it to them!

Please pray with us:

  1. That this would be the month that the influence of the spiritual forces of darkness over Muslim nations would be broken.
  2. Pray for the amazing encounters through dreams and visions of Jesus to be multiplied!
  3. Pray that the soil in these nations would be changed so that the gospel seed will take root and multiply.
  4. Let’s remember Turkey & Syria as many earthquake victims commemorate this time in their tents, that they would encounter Jesus as their Saviour.