Pray for Muslim Background Believers


Let’s pray for Muslim Background Believers around the world who will be noticed for not participating in Ramadan.  When a Muslim decides to become a follower of Jesus, they face tremendous pressure.  They are seen as traitors and can lose employment, promotion, and be shunned by family (shame motivates families to take even more serious action against them).  Even here in North Cyprus, where Islam is somewhat relaxed, we have met people who have lost their job due to becoming a believer in Jesus.  Their new community, the church, may treat them with fear and suspicion.  These pressures cause some to turn back on the revelation of Jesus that they have experienced.

Pray for Muslim Background Believers
1. Give them strength and joy as they face persecution from family, friends, and their country.
2. That their families would also be attracted to the light of the Gospel.
3. Give them creative ways to practically serve their family and friends during the fast.
4. Cry out for any new believer considering abandoning their newfound Faith. Be with them, Jesus.