Month: August 2023

  • Pray for Northern Cyprus

    Pray for Northern Cyprus – University Campuses have proven to be fruitful grounds for the gospel despite the distractions students are offered. For example, no parental oversight and the lure of nightlife. ·      Pray that Turkish students would encounter Jesus through dreams and miracles. ·      Pray for the many students from unreached people groups to encounter Jesus. […]

  • Pray for Northern Cyprus

    Pray for Northern Cyprus – Casinos are new to the country. With them comes the sickening darkness of human trafficking. African immigrants recruit their female citizens for a reward. Unofficial reports suggest that there are as many as 15 thousand African women trafficked in North Cyprus. There are also thousands of Eastern European women. Most […]

  • Pray for Northern Cyprus

    Pray for Northern Cyprus – Our second focus of intercession would be Turkish immigrants who have been coming to Cyprus since 1974.  Many of the immigrants come from the Southern and Eastern Turkish provinces. ·      Pray that these beautiful people would encounter Jesus through dreams and miracles. ·      Pray for a miraculous openness among those Turks who are […]

  • Pray for Northern Cyprus

    Pray for Northern Cyprus – Let’s begin our intercession by focusing on the Turkish Cypriots. Turkish Cypriots identify as a distinct people. They are not Turks! There is even resistance to any further immigration of Turks moving to Northern Cyprus. Most of the Turkish Cypriots are Sunni Muslims but are not conservative and many do not practice […]