Pray for Northern Cyprus

Casinos are new to the country. With them comes the sickening darkness of human trafficking. African immigrants recruit their female citizens for a reward. Unofficial reports suggest that there are as many as 15 thousand African women trafficked in North Cyprus. There are also thousands of Eastern European women. Most of these women are unaware that this life awaits them. Their passports are taken, and the women are held captive in brothels.

·      Pray that these women would encounter Jesus!

·      Pray that those who profit from this darkness would be convicted by Holy Spirit! Politicians in North Cyprus and Turkey, Judges, Immigration police, police, Casino owners, security, and the Madams!!

·      Pray for the miraculous restoration of both women and men to Wholeness in Christ.

·      Pray for boldness and favour upon the workers as they seek to proclaim Jesus to those trapped in this hell.