Pray for Holy Spirit Fire in Azerbaijan – This area is called “The Land of Fire” because of the oil and gas that is flowing there. It is our hope and prayer that the Holy Spirit Fire will come and fill this place. That it will flow with His Fire and that the people will […]
Pray for the Growing Church in Azerbaijan – Pray for mature leaders, deeper unity and increased discipleship in the church. Even though the Christian church faces many challenges like harassment, facing heavy fines, or imprisonment, the number of churches is increasing every year. Many of these churches meet and minister in secret. The church is […]
Pray for peace over Azerbaijan – Pray for solutions to the conflicts with Armenia and Russia. Even after peace attempts, the political issue is still unresolved. This is a territorial dispute over the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.
Pray for Azerbaijan – This month we are praying for the country of Azerbaijan. Here are some facts about Azerbaijan: It is in Asia. The capital city is Baku. The population is 10,282,283. These are the major people groups: 86% Azerbaijani (Azeri Turk); 4% Lezgian (Lezghi); 3% South Azerbaijani; 1% Armenian (Ermeni); 1% Talysh (Lenkoran). […]
Pray for more workers in Crimea – Pray for more workers to go to the harvest field of Crimea. Most missionaries have left this region or are being told to leave by their embassies. Pray for the wisdom of these ambassadors of Christ. Pray that more would hear the call to go to the Tartar […]
Pray for Crimean Churches – Pray for the existing churches Crimea. Pray that they would be built on the rock of Christ and nothing else. Pray that they would have wisdom to know how to shine the light of Christ. Pray that they would be peacemakers in this time of trouble. Pray that they would […]
Pray for Tartar Christians – Only 0.1% of the Tartar people are Christians. Pray that these few would have strength to be obedient to Christ. Pray that they would openly share despite persecution. Pray that they would be multipliers in their homes and communities for Jesus.
Pray for the Tartars and for peace in Crimea – If you have been watching the news you will know that Russian is on the brink of invading the Ukraine. The dispute is not simple but one of the major problems is ownership of an area known as Crimea. For over 700 years the Tartar […]
PRAY FOR PEACE Please pray for peace for the nation and the people of Tunisia. In January 2011 Tunisia experienced a revolution, resulting in a regime change and the president fleeing the country. Corruption is endemic, and a measure of upheaval is still present. Please pray for Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to come and […]
Please pray for the younger generations living in Tunisia. Two thirds of the population is under the age of 30. Tunisia boasts one of the highest educated populations in the Middle East and North Africa. Yet despite these high education levels, meaningful work, or any work at all, is often difficult to come by. In […]