Category: Prayer Points

  • Pray for Peace and Religious Freedom in Zanzibar

    Peace and Religious Freedom in Zanzibar – The islands of Zanzibar are mostly Muslim. Islam was first introduced to the islands in the 10th century. Many on the islands work towards having Sharia law put in place for their government. With Islam becoming more and more predominant on the islands, please pray for there to […]

  • Pray for Zanzibar

    Pray for Zanzibar – The beautiful Islands of Zanzibar are a part of the nation of Tanzania in the continent of Africa. Even though the mainland of Tanzania is majority Christian, the islands themselves are very unreached; the approximately 2 million people on these islands are 97 – 99% Muslim. The main economic industry is […]

  • People Groups in Pakistan

    People Groups in Pakistan – Pakistan has 832 people groups, with 70 to 80 different languages spoken. The Bible has still not been translated into some of these languages. Most (825) of the people groups are still considered unreached. Let’s pray that God sends labourers to these people groups and that the Bible is available […]

  • Pray for God’s Blessing over the Poor in Pakistan

    Pray for God’s Blessing over the Poor in Pakistan – Multiple challenges hinder the country economically, including terrorism and addiction, resulting in about one third of its population living in poverty. A lack of governmental control has made it easier for Islamic terrorist groups to thrive, including the Taliban. Pakistan is the most heroin-addicted country […]

  • Pray for Peace and Protection from Human Trafficking in Pakistan

    Pray for Peace and Protection from Human Trafficking in Pakistan – Christians are extremely marginalized in Pakistan which allows for some crimes to happen against them without the protection of the local authorities. Unfortunately, human trafficking is one example. Young girls from Christian families are abducted, forced to marry their much older Muslim abductor, and […]

  • Persecution in Pakistan

    Persecution in Pakistan – Pakistan is very diverse, with 832 people groups. Islam has therefore become one of the main unifying factors, bringing increased persecution to minority groups, especially Christians. It is ranked 5th on the World Watch List of persecution among Christians. Many live and work as slaves, or receive the worst jobs. Most […]

  • Pray for Pakistan

    Pray for Pakistan – This month we will be praying for Pakistan. Pakistan has 224 million people, and over 800 people groups, of which about 95% are Muslim. Only about 2% are Christian. Some major issues in Pakistan are persecution, child trafficking and poverty. In the midst of these struggles, let’s pray for God to […]

  • A Peaceful Future

    A Peaceful Future – “Then justice will dwell in the land and righteousness abide in the fruitful field. The effect of righteousness will be peace and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever.” — Isaiah 32:16-17 Pray for improved living conditions in Gaza. Estimates suggest that 70% of Gaza is impoverished, with 80% dependent […]

  • No More War

    No More War – “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”  – Mother Teresa Musakhan is the national dish of Palestine. It is chicken roasted with onion, seasoned with a spice native to the region called sumac and served over taboon flatbread. The amount of […]

  • A Land of Olive Trees

    A Land of Olive Trees – The territory of Palestine has been under dispute since 1948, first by Egypt and Jordan and then by Israel after the six-day war in 1967. There are over 5 million people living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Olive trees are significant to Palestinians not only for […]