Category: Prayer Points

  • The Night of Power

    The Night of Power – The night of the 27th day of Ramadan (around May 8th in 2021) is called the Night of Power. Many Muslims stay awake to pray throughout the night because they believe angels are especially attentive in hearing and submitting their prayers to God. The Night of Power is a critical […]

  • Pray for Muslim-background believers in Jesus.

    Pray for Muslim-background believers in Jesus. – Ramadan is often a time of great spiritual warfare for those who have decided to leave their Islamic roots to follow Jesus. They may be in areas where they are greatly outnumbered, not to mention the inner battles that can arise as well. All the things they may […]

  • Why Should Christians Care about Ramadan?

    Why Should Christians Care about Ramadan? – Dr. David Garrison, missiologist and author, describes unprecedented movements of Muslims into the Christian faith since the early 1990s. Garrison found that in the fourteen hundred years since the beginnings of Islam, about 80 percent of those movements have happened in the last 30 years! In Garrison’s words, “We’re […]

  • What is Ramadan?

    What is Ramadan? – This month is the beginning of the Ramadan season (April 12th to May 11th). It is a special time when Muslims fast and pray with the goal of drawing near to Allah. According to Open Doors, 1.8 billion people throughout the world observe Ramadan. This is an incredible opportunity for Christians […]

  • Pray for: Heidi

    Pray for: Heidi – Heidi – She is single, has been a midwife for several years, and works for the women’s health project. She told me that her cousin is married to a Russian believer in this country. Her family is Ismaili (a sect of Islam), and they are usually less strict. She has an […]

  • Pray for: Tammy

    Pray for: Tammy – Tammy – She is single, studying economics in college, and helping to support her family by working as an administrative assistant for the women’s health project. Her sister used to work at our office, but she is now married and living in the capital. I spent a lot of time with […]

  • Pray for: Amanda

    Pray for: Amanda – Amanda is single, so she still lives at her father’s house and helps to provide for her parents and siblings. She struggles with feelings of unworthiness and has often told me that her family, specifically her mother, does not love her. Once, her brother beat her sister and forbade her from […]

  • Pray for: Christina

    Pray for: Christina – Christina – She is married with two girls and one boy. Her husband has not had a job for about five years, so she has had to work. There are mixed feelings in this culture about women working, especially married women, but Christina works hard to provide for her family. She […]

  • Pray for: Afghanistan & Hannah

    Pray for: Afghanistan – This month we are praying for the country of Afghanistan, a place where it is impossible to live openly as a Christian and there is no safe way to express faith other than as a Muslim. It remains in second place on the World Watch List, meaning the only place in […]

  • Pray for Kazakh Home Groups

    Pray for Kazakh Home Groups – Pray for depth and multiplication of home groups Kazakhstan, that they would not only be in it to pursue their own relationships with Christ, but to see their country and beyond radically impacted by the Gospel. Pray for well-trained, godly leaders despite most Bible schools and seminaries being closed. […]